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MSc. Mária Paračková
+421 55 234 2327
High-entropy alloys for electrochemical production of hydrogen (Vysoko-entropické zliatiny pre elektrochemickú výrobu vodíka)
VEGA 1/0095/21 (Application of innovative nanocatalysts and DFT simulations for efficient hydrogen production) controlled drug release), NATO G6106 (Smart Portable Nanosensors for on-site Biomedical and Environmental Analysis (TERRITORY))
Mária Paračková is currently pursuing her PhD at the Department of Physical Chemistry at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice under the supervision of professor Oriňaková. She also completed her MSc and BSc under the same guidance. The main focus of her research is the development of electrocatalysts for hydrogen production by water electrolysis, which would enable more intensive utilisation of this ecological technology in industry. She mostly uses electrochemistry to evaluate the electrocatalytic activity and stability of these materials. In her research she cooperates with the Institute of Material Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences. During her previous studies, she received the Annual Rector’s Award for excellent study results and participated several times in faculty Student Scientific Conferences. Mária Paračková is also a co-author of one scientific paper published in a CC magazine and one of the teaching fellows of Physical chemistry computational seminars. In addition, she is a co-researcher of one VEGA project focused on the application of innovative nanocatalysts and DFT simulations for effective hydrogen production.