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RNDr. Dominika Capková

PHD. student


+421 55 234 2362


ORCID:  0000-0002-3614-5629

  List of Publications


Study of composite cathode materials based on sulfur for post-Li ion batteries (Štúdium kompozitných katódových materiálov na báze síry pre post-lítium iónové batérie)

Dominika is the PhD student at the Pavol Jozef afárik University in Kosice at the Department of Physical Chemistry. She focuses on synthesis of sulphur cathode materials with conductive additives for post Li-ion batteries and developing safe, low cost batteries with high capacity and long lifecycle. She graduated Bachlor’s degree in Chemistry at the Pavol Jozef afárik University in Ko2ice in 2016 and Master’s degree in Physical chemistry in 2018 at the same university. Within her education she attended internship at Vienna University of Technology at Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, where she studied corrosion of lithium anode. She participated in two research stays at Brno University of Technology at Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology under Assoc. Prof.. Kazda, where she fabricated and electrochemically characterised cathodes based on sulphur. In 2020, she attended a short research stay at Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology and a two-month internship at Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas y Aplicadas (INIFTA) of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), where her research was focused on cathode materials for lithium-sulphur batteries. Dominika won the competition in material sciences in 2018 the Crytur Price. As a co-researcher she participates in the international NATO SPS project No. 985148 Development of New Cathodes for Stable and Safer Lithium-Sulphur Batteries.